Growing up is hard and if you haven't thought so, look at Teen Wolf.
The 1985 film follows 17 year old Scott Howard who deisres being more than average, deeply wanting to be popular outside his winless basketball team, the Nebraska Beavers. His wish comes true in unconventional style when changes happen past his control: Hair suddenly sprouts from his hands & chest, he develops a grizly when angry which convinces a clerk to sell him alcohol and at that same party, he accidentally claws his childhood friend Lisa 'Boof' Marconi in the middle of a party game where they make out in the closet. Shortly after coming home, he fully transforms into a werewolf but is comforted by his father Howard who reveals that is generational when turning as well, but was so late in telling him as he'd hope the curse would skip him as it has with others in their bloodline. The next morning, he does tell his son that it can be still manageable the way it has been for him. Scott later reveals his curse to both Boof and his other friend Rupert ‘Stiles’ Stilinski, who are understandably surprised. They would come around in accepting him in his newfound predicament when he uses it to tell him win games. That alone helps him become as popular as he wanted, to the point where he gets to hook up with his crush Pamela Wells. She only gives him attention to make her boyfriend Mick McAllister (Mark Arnold) from the opposing school team jealous. His popularity would be so effective that he'd land a role for a play while in wolf form. When being at odds with vice principal Rusty Thorne (Jim McKrell), Harold would tell Scott he is responsible for it since he once scared him when protecting his mom, which he uses this explanation to advise him in not abusing his powers. Boof then asks him out to a Spring Dance with the request for him to be in wolf form, but he is hesitant since he knows everyone else expects him to be a wolf. He does go alone, but ends up turning back to himself when reciprocating his feelings to Boof with a kiss. When still having everyone else's attention as himself, Mick takes the opportunity to insult him and his friends. This does lead to him aggressively turning to a wolf and attack in self defense when his rival punches him. This altercation puts the teen in shock that he walks away vowing to not turn again. The incident also gives Thorne an excuse to try expelling until Harold defends his son by growling at his own rival, dropping the claim completely. Boof & Stiles would be in shock that Scott would stop being a werewolf right before a championship game. Nevertheless, he pulls off winning by the final quarter in a close game of 52-51 thanks to succeeding in both free throws. As Pamela dumps Mick in disappointment and the rest of the Beavers celebrate their first championship, the film ends with Scott brushing past her to embrace Boof and his dad.
Before being remade into a dramatic series n the 2010s, this was a comedy drama I never thought I'd see myself enjoy until I came around. I won't waste my time trying to call this the best thing ever but this was worthwhile because Director Rob Daniel and writers Jeph Loeb & Matthew Weisman got as creative as possible to make an entertaining experience. It lives up to it because instead of a werewolf being an outcast, it's a local celebrity and that makes sense because there is no need to hate on someone being cursed when it ain't their fault it happened to him them. That is where the absurdity kicks in because it ain't everyday you would see a werewolf play basketball, back flipping on a moving bus or party on. Hell, I'm still laughing my ass off hearing him howl as he's getting laid because it's ideal. I won't try to overrate the makeup effects to pull off the transformation, but I truly believe it's quite believable like past films. In fact, the werewolf narrative pays off here for being an intriguing way to be yourself because there is no shame in being average or any less than such. This is what you pick up on when following Michael J Fox as the titular lead. In between Family Ties and Back to the Future, Fox was running the 80s and the role of Scott was no exception because many teens to this day relate to how bad the guy wanted to exceed in who he is. Of course he didn't anticipate being a werewolf, but he saw it as a calling before realizing he never needed a curse to stand out. The longer he had it, the more he preferred the way things were before. There is no doubt he enjoyed the attention and that helped him know his limits because you know he's a good guy when he still has time to think about others. It's hard to say he wasn't when choosing to dismiss the wolf after the dance. Even if he lost the game, it would've not mattered because him being himself was what mattered to him. You definitely had a whammy with Harold revealing it's generational simply from turning before the door even opens for him, which further set in stone this was an unconventional narrative. Truthfully, I believe James Hampton made a good dad out of him because the whole time, he's honest in his efforts to be protective and has meaningful advice throughout before having his back against Thorne. Even if he wasn't a preceding werewolf, he'd still find a way to help his boy out and those are the parents to root for who may improvise but mean well no matter what. Considering how predicament is far from ideal, it's a surprise Scott still had people outside his family that stuck around knowing he's the same deep down. Jerry Levine made Stiles likable for being down to earth throughout, but it was Susan Ursitti who gave a proper shakeup as Boof because she was upfront in how she felt about Scott who was hesitant because he's known her so long that he never thought of her intimately until things changed the way it did. Looking back, it seems like she always liked him for his passion to improve whereas he liked her back because she gave him the encouragement he needed to be himself. You can't blame him for having a crush on Pamela at first due to how attractive she is thanks to being played by Lorie Griffin. But when she showed her true colors when admitting she doesn't like him back, that also helped him realize how good he had it before things changed. That alone explains his decision to pick Boof over her because a genuine connection is far more valuable than clout and Scott will live on with that mindset rightfully so. Having been honest as I can with the joy, it doesn’t excuse the issues I picked up on. It’s already one distraction with an extra having his zipper wide open in the climax, but there were other things that bothered me story wise. Getting into it, if the kid in the hardware store believed the dog whistle was broken, he didn’t need to keep trying after the first time. Also, Lewis should make a fake ID if he wants to buy alcohol without a hassle so bad. It’s even a surprise the clerk didn’t even call the police after seeing Scott’s eyes glow. I’m even thrown off with the fact Boof doesn’t bring up the scratch after his secret is out. Other than that, this movie is still worthwhile. And if Scott mostly turns when he is worked up, ain’t it weird that isn’t the case when it’s Boof kissing him? I feel like any other woman would be offended if they were in Boof’s shoes so it’s a surprise she wasn’t considering she likely knows about his affair with Pamela. In short, Teen Wolf is a classic comedy for letting loose with the concept as far as it can. If you like werewolves and want something different, check this out.