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Zack Snyder's Justice League (2021) Review

Writer's picture: Julio RamirezJulio Ramirez

Updated: Jun 10, 2023


The world wasn’t really satisfied with the 2017 theatric cut of Justice League as much as we hoped for. Not many were impressed at the time due to how Joss Whedon’s involvement of reshoots ruined the vision that Zack Snyder had in mind. Snyder was unable to do reshoots because he chose to step down in order to properly deal with the tragic passing of his daughter Autumn. As the film’s backlash continued, fans demanded to see the director’s cut that is Zack’s accurate vision. We wouldn’t see this version until 2021 when it started streaming on (HBO)Max. Was it worth the wait? Yes indeed.


The ‘Snyder Cut’ follows the basic story from the original film but gives more than what was missing, so bare with me as I go over familiar moments. It shows that when Superman originally died, it triggered reactivation of three ‘Mother Boxes’. A New God named Steppenwolf arrives and takes one from Themyscira. He intends to collect all three to regain favor of his master known as Darkseid. As the Amazons failed to protect it, Queen Hippolyta (Connie Nielsen) shoots a flaming arrow at an old temple, in order to alert her daughter Princess Diana that an invasion has begun. When she discovers the arrow at the temple, she finds hieroglyphs of an invasion led by Darkseid. Bruce Wayne/Batman has been searching for metahumans to align him in conflict against the opposing threat that Lex Luthor once warned him of. He first finds Arthur Curry, the Half-Atlantean known as ‘Aquaman’ whose abilities involve hydrokinesis and marine telepathy (talk to fish), who chooses to decline the invitation. When returning to Gotham City, he meets Diana again who warns him of the invasion. She explains that thousands of years ago, Darkseid led a legion of parademons (creatures that feast off of fear) to conquer Earth. He had to retreat when outmatched by a unfiied alliance of humans, Atlanteans, Amazons, Olympian Gods and a Green Lantern from another world. As he retreated, he accidentally left the boxes behind, leading Earth’s alliance to hide each of them. Aware that the invasion has begun, Bruce strongly believes that building a new alliance to honor Superman would be necessary. He does successfully recruit Barry Allen, one who gained super speed after being struck by lightning. Diana makes contact with Victor Stone, one who gained a cybernetic body thanks to use of a Mother Box, only after surviving a fatal car accident that took the life of his mother Elinor (Karen Bryson). His father Silas (Joe Morton) used the box to save him but despite having a second chance at life, he chooses to remain emotionally distant from him. He chooses so because of his original absence prior to the accident, mainly focused on his work as a STAR Labs scientist. He initially refuses the offer but changes his mind when discovering that his father was abducted. The new recruits join Diana and Batman to rescue those abducted from STAR Labs. They get intel from Gotham’s Police Commissioner James Gordon (JK Simmons) that they could be held at an abandoned facility underneath Gotham Harbor. They do succeed in saving the hostages and are aided by Aquaman in the process. He was forced to intervene due to Steppenwolf taking second box from Atlantis. Victor is able to retrieve the third box that he buried in his and his mother’s grave. When all heroes go to the Batcave, he explains that these boxes can destroy/restore life without bias. Knowing that this saved his life, everyone agrees to use it to resurrect Superman. Steppenwolf alerts his master that not only has he gotten the second box, he has discovered that The ‘Anti Life Equation’, one who can allow those who know it to subjugate all existing souls, is present on Earth. Darkseid is intrigued of it because he can use it to rule the multiverse as sole dictator. He tells his disciple that he will join him when the final box is collected. Allen and Stone retrieve Superman’s corpse from his grave and join the others at the Kryptonian scout ship used as a STAR Labs facility, the same one where Luthor created Doomsday. The resurrection is deemed a success when Allen is able to activate the box and the genesis chamber simultaneously. However, the last Kryptonian has not regained his memories as Clark Kent. He fights everyone out of fear and before he could kill Batman, he is stopped by his love Lois Lane, who was nearby due to visiting his memorial daily, since his original death. When seeing her, he starts remembering who he was and returns to his family home in Smallville. Just as the man of steel leaves, Steppenwolf attempts to take the last box. Before he could do so, Silas sacrifices himself by manually supercharging it with laser heat. This would be a useful sacrifice because Victor is able to track the box based on residual heat. With that in mind, he is able to find Steppenwolf’s hideout to be in an abandoned town. Upon arrival, the five protagonists hold off the parademons and the New God, in attempt to separate the Boxes to prevent destruction that would occur when all Boxes converge together, known as ‘The Unity’. Superman does join the fight but the Unity still happens and a massive explosion occurs. This is undone by Barry as he is able to enter the Speed Force, an energy field that grants him his power, and reverses time. After this act, Superman is able to help Victor separate the boxes and prevent the Unity. Steppenwolf tries to finish off the team but is outnumbered as he gets stabbed by Aquaman with his trident and just as Superman punches him through a ‘Boom Tube’ portal, where Darkseid is on the other side, Diana beheads the New God. Darkseid chooses to not go forward with the invasion but promises to come to Earth and uncover the Anti-Life Equation when the time is right. The films ends in an epilogue: Bruce plans to make a base of operations from Wayne Manor and buys a bank in order to return the Kents’ house to Clark and his mother Martha (Diane Lane). Clark resumes his life as a reporter for the Daily Planet and protector of Earth. Victor finds inspiration from a message by his father to use his advanced abilities for good. Barry gets a job in the Central City Police Department, hoping to one day free his father Henry (Billy Crudup) of false imprisonment, accused of murdering his mother Nora. Lex Luthor has broken out of Arkham Asylum and assures an alliance with mercenary Slade Wilson/Deathstroke by sharing Batman’s secret identity. Wayne wakes up from another nightmare whereas he leads an insurgency against an evil Superman. The film officially concludes when he encounters a green shape shifting Martian named the Martian Manhunter, whose human disguise is General Swanwick, promising to be an ally whenever Darkseid makes his move.


I was one of many fans that wanted to see this exact film after not loving the theatric version as much as I hoped I would. After finishing this 4 hour film, the first thought I said aloud was ‘Wow’. I couldn’t be more happy because I got exactly what I wanted out of this cut: A contained story of a superhero film that properly fleshes out arcs of new and returning characters. I know people are gonna freak out of the runtime because not everyone can sit down to a long film as easy as binging a show, but I assure you that it’s worth getting through if you are a fan of this particular franchise. This is what I waited my entire life for and I couldn’t be anymore happy to see it done right. It brings great relief that this film fills in some plot holes the franchise had for a while. The problem of it is that this isn’t canon to the ongoing DC Extended Universe. With that in mind, I hope that Warner Bros. wisely decides which elements can be a stepping stone to build up the franchise’s future. Besides the visual effects, there were other improvements that make this version better. With a better color tone that helped create glorious cinematography by Fabian Wagner, along with an epic score by Tom Holkenberg aka Junkie XL, my satisfaction grew higher. Even in the black & white version, ‘Justice is Gray’, it’s just as breathtaking to experience. The iconic song ‘Hallelujah’ has been heard on Snyder’s filmography before (previously heard on 2009’s Watchmen) because it was Autumn’s favorite song. So when hearing the cover by Allison Crowe as the credits roll, I almost choked up because it was such a clever tribute a parent could ever provide to honor a child they love so deeply. I will continue to appreciate this version as years progress but despite my given praise, there are things that I wish could’ve been done differently. I really don’t mind the runtime but I wish things could’ve been altered to be more logical. It was cool to see the cinematic debut of fan favorite Martian Manhunter but it felt weird on the minimal presence he had. Harry Lennox is a good casting choice and I liked that the character brought motivation to Lois Lane in disguise as Martha Kent, but I didn’t like how he doesn’t appear until the epilogue. This does mean the intent of him being a bigger character had the franchise progressed from this film but again, this isn’t canon so I hope that this character finds a way into main continuity. I love the ‘Knightmare’ scene for confirming that it was Flash who indeed time travelled from the future to warn Wayne that Lois is the key to stopping Superman. My problem is that it feels misplaced. I wish the scene was put in the midpoint of the film, before Batman tells Diana that he did dream of Barry coming from the future to warn him. It honestly sounds more logical to do. I will praise Darkseid later but my problem is how the marketing overhyped him. I didn’t mind his minimal presence but I found it weird to hype up a villain that wasn’t going to make his move yet. This may have worked for Thanos in the MCU but the difference is that we had no idea he would appear in the first team up. I know this is Zack’s vision but he could’ve made these changes if he was willing to do the reshoots. Even though the extended runtime made improvements, I still wish things could’ve been done differently. Seeing Superman fight Flash still gave me chills but it could’ve been avoided if Flash stopped Cyborg from the accidental attack. I do think it’s neat for Bruce to rebuild Wayne Manor as the Hall of Justice, but that could be a gamble because since that is likely a popular building, people could deduce he’s Batman. I had a peeve when Silas called the Kryptonian ship Superman’s when it clearly wasn’t. Sure he couldn’t have known but it still sounded weird hearing since he never had an actual ship because he didn’t need one to fly. It is a tense buildup for Diana to discover the story of Darkseid’s invasion, but how has she not learned of it until this point of the franchise? She’s lived for hundreds of years and not ever learned it once, not even her aunt Antiope brought it up? That’s hard to believe. Barry saving Iris gave me chills but both sides are at fault: The truck driver should’ve just pulled over or stopped completely if he wanted to get his burger so bad, and Iris should’ve kept her eyes on the road and not on someone she bumped into. I like that Martian Manhunter motivates Lois to get back to work, but when did he keep tabs on Martha? Staying close to Lane is one thing but the foster mother of Superman is another. Also, how were there no news reports of a metal man after Victor got spotted by a couple at night? I mean considering how so much can happen in a shared universe, it blows my mind how that didn’t happen. If anything was stupid in this movie, it’s how Gordon’s partner asked how the commissioner would make contact with Batman. I mean come on, The Bat Signal is impossible to get rid of as long as the dark knight lives and I cringed that this guy named Crispus would forget how to contact Gotham’s only vigilante. Since this version showed that Batman didn’t plan for Lois to bring back Superman, what exactly would be done if she wasn’t near? If there is any new plot hole this version provided, it’s that. I know Silas’ sacrifice was beneficial to track down Steppenwolf and stop him, but it could’ve been avoided if someone watched the last box. Other than that, this movie is still better than what we got in 2017. As I return to the goods, the biggest benefit given from the runtime is that we appreciate the characters that come our way due to their arcs being fleshed out completely, along with an ensemble that brought them to life. Of the returning cast, Ben Affleck had the benefit of improvement because he successfully shows that Batman can be a leader, no matter what the threat. The theatric cut showed him to be doubtful on himself and his team but here, he is dedicated in honoring Superman, while also being determined to save the world. Seeing him go from fearing the Kryptonian to being hopeful of his return, it comes to show how much he has changed. As for Gal Gadot, she is still just as good the last time she played Wonder Woman, displaying the character’s known compassion as she acted as a mentor to the recruits. Even 100 years after becoming a superhero, she still gives people hope. When she told a little girl she saved that “You can be anything you want to be”, it alone examines everything she stands for. You probably think that any superhero can say it, but it felt right coming from her. Henry Cavill ain’t in this film as much as the others, which makes sense since his character is absent due to being deceased, until eventual resurrection. The return of Superman was a given way before the theatric because it is hard to imagine a version of the Justice League without him. This depiction was different because the buildup felt earned. By the time he comes back, you appreciate it because the movie takes time with it and doesn’t completely rush itself to the action he has to inevitably join. When the focus is on him, you truly believed he was a lost soul that acted out of fear due to amnesia. Lois bringing him back was earned because this time, it was believable that love is so powerful. Seeing him soak in that he was alive again, it made him more optimistic. The black suit is important to see because it is what the character would wear to fully recover once returning. When he pummels Steppenwolf, it shows how stronger he is getting. Despite being a brute force, Superman is still an empathic being deep down. I won’t overrate Cavill and say he played it to perfection, but this is clearly better than what we got in 2017. With that in mind, it is a shame he never had another solo adventure after this. Jeremy Irons isn’t in this one as much either but I still like him as Alfred Pennyworth. I really enjoy how he gives Bruce advice on being a leader because it shows how much he believes in the man he raised. Again, the debuting characters had the better improvement with their development through this version. Aquaman may have gotten fleshed out properly in his 2018 solo film, but it doesn’t mean improvement wasn’t needed here. What I liked about him here is that Jason Momoa had the chance to express him at his most conflicted. Despite being a vigilante of his own, thanks to being trained by his mentor Vulko (Willem Dafoe), he remained reserved towards those around him due to the absence of his mother. With her not in his life, he felt alienated from both worlds he knew. However, his encounter with Bruce became his wake up call because he realized that it’s better to be selfless than selfish, hence putting aside his alienation and taking his mother’s trident when joining the fight. Ezra Miller provided a unique portrayal of The Flash as while he is intelligent and laid back of a person, he can be insecure as he is one who hasn’t been in as much conflict as his other teammates have. However, that would disappear as he became confident in himself the longer he sticked around. Another thing that made him likable was how he was always a compassionate person, due to continuing to visit his father who believes is falsely imprisoned. Seeing him save Iris West (Kiersey Clemons) was a fascinating moment because it was an interesting way to set her up as his future love interest in his solo film. Seeing that he can go so fast that he can reverse time blew my mind because it taught me that sometimes, only you can motivate yourself better than anyone else. Of all debuting protagonists, Cyborg had benefitted the most out of this film. Actor Ray Fisher has been vocal on not enjoying his time in the reshoots, so there was nothing but joy for us to see him play this character at his most comfortable. Here, he portrays him as one who is depressed of the drastic change his life has taken. While he should be grateful that he has a second chance, he remains angry because things will be far from normal and is bothered how it took his life to almost end for his father to step in. Not only does he feel like a monster, but he blames Silas for making him so. While it is understandable where he is coming from, he slowly takes consideration that his robotic abilities is a gift. While he has a new body, he still shows that he has a heart when not only rescuing Silas from Gotham Harbor, but also helping a family in need by putting thousands of dollars in a mother’s bank account. The death of his father was a lot to take because not only did he regret how he was towards him, but that was his realization to appreciate his second chance of life, hence finish listening to the tape recorder left behind by him. There is no guarantee on a solo film for this character, but I hope Warner Bros. someday reconsiders. And since he saw a possible future whereas Darkseid succeeds, I hope he warns the team before it’s too late. Seeing each separate journey these heroes have here taught me to always move forward and believe in yourself when you feel like you can't do what you need/want to do. Like the heroes, the shown villains all had a chance to shine as well. Jared Leto did not need to return as Joker but this was beneficial because we got to enjoy this outing much more than we got from him in 2016’s Suicide Squad. This time around, he is on point being the maniacal rival of the dark knight. Seeing how manipulative he was in the Knightmare scene comes to show how intelligent this psychopath is. Every portrayal of this character is always intriguing because he shows how appearances can be deceiving. My opinion with Jesse Eisenberg doesn’t change with the portrayal of Lex Luthor. Like the 2017 version, he improved in his second outing compared to what he gave in Batman v Superman, expressing the exact suave attitude the villain is famously known for. Joe Manganiello doesn’t have a lot to provide in his given time as Deathstroke but I think he still lives up to his hype. He looks the part and with every line delivery, he is just as cold and irascible as he’s supposed to be. It is a shame that this depiction of Legion of Doom never came to be, but at least it looked promising. The film’s most obvious improvement of character development goes to Steppenwolf. Aside from a redesign that assures a memorable presence, he will be a villain to remember now because we see him as one who has little control of his emotions due to determination to please his master with all of the rage he releases. He is extremely loyal of a follower that’ll do whatever to impress his superior. And with the provided voice of Ciarán Hinds, expect yourself to be intimidated by him. While Granny Goodness had a cameo that lasted seconds, it is Desaad that got to leave an impression in his debut. Whenever he spoke to Steppenwolf, you felt the mysterious and deceptive vibe he brought to the table. This would’ve not paid off had Peter Guinness not reflect just that with his voice. Last but not least, I know Darkseid should’ve not been hyped up if he wasn’t gonna take action. But whenever he showed up, I was on the brink of a heart attack because his terrifying presence was a dream come true. Writer Jack Kirby originally based this character’s personality off of Adolf Hitler and Richard Nixon. While that sounds over the top, it actually matches because there is no one that has brought such a walking power of malevolence and destruction like this character. He’s not even in this movie as much as Steppenwolf, yet I felt all of that. You add the frightening voice of Ray Porter, it will remain hard to forget this foe. Darkseid was name dropped in the theatric cut, so I hope that his canon introduction is done right in the future. In short, Zack Snyder’s Justice League is an obvious improvement of a film that should’ve not been messy in the first place. If you were a fan that was part of the movement and wanted this exact film, get HBOMAX and watch it now.


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