Comedy films are highly challenging because that genre tends to make you smile from beginning to end. I don’t think there is a film that does it better than Ghostbusters.
The 1984 film takes place in New York. Parapsychology professors Raymond Stentz, Egon Spengler & Peter Venkman investigate the paranormal and just when they got a breakthrough finding a ghost in a public library, they are kicked out of Columbia University by the dean. This gives inspiration for the three to go into business themselves as paranormal investigators. They would operate out of a disused firehouse and develop high tech nuclear powered equipment that would help them capture & contain ghosts. As business starts slow, their first customer is cellist Dana Barrett who claims to have seen to a demonic like dog in her refrigerator saying "Zuul". Venkman checks it out, but doesn't find what she claims. The Ghostbusters make their first big break when their receptionist Janine gets a call from Sedgewick Hotel, who claim to have spotted a ghost. Upon arrival, they find a green gluttonous figure (credited as 'Slimer') and they trap it after pulling it down with a 'Proton Pack', a backpack sized particle accelerator that strips electrons away from protons, and placing it in a sealed container, later taking it to the containment unit in their quarters. With such a success, the Ghostbusters become popular to the city and continue to capture ghosts, later hiring Winston Zeddemore to cope with growing demand. EPA inspector Walter Peck grows suspicion of their work and demands to evaluate their equipment, but Venkman rebuffs him. The latter sees Dana and shares information of Zuul. Zuul was once a demigod servant who worshipped the shape shifting god 'Gozer the Gozerian". During this conversation, this sparks our protagonist to ask her out. However, she gets possessed by Zuul the 'Gatekeeper' and her neighbor Louis gets possessed by Vinz Clortho the ‘Keymaster’. When Venkman finds Dana in her new condition and Louis finds his way to the Ghostbusters station, the team contact each other and agree that the two should be separated to prevent anything wrong from happening. Peck returns with law enforcement and a court order to shut off the containment unit, which releases the ghosts and causes an explosion in the building. Louis/Vinz returns to the building and unites with Dana/Zuul. When being briefly imprisoned until let go by the mayor, Ray & Egon share that Dana's building was designed by Ivo Shandor who led a cult that worshipped Gozer. It functioned as an antenna to attract & concentrate spiritual energy to summon Gozer and cause the apocalypse. Explaining this to the mayor, he agrees to let them stop this from happening. The Ghostbusters reach to the top of the building and meet Gozer itself, whereas Dana/Zuul & Louis/Vinz are now in the form of demonic dogs. Gozer first appears as a female and attacks them. As the team fail to harm the being, it offers them to select the next form it will take. Ray decides for it to become the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man, hoping for it to be harmless. It only appears to be a giant version of the mascot as it makes its way through the city. The four are able to defeat Gozer and seal its gate when they cross the streams of their Particle Throwers (wands that come with the Proton Pack). It works when the Marshmallow Man explodes into marshmallow fluff. Once the gate is sealed, Dana & Louis are free from possession and return to their normal selves. The film ends with the city of New York cheering the Ghostbusters for their victory.
This is one of the many films seen during my childhood and it goes without saying that this film is just awesome. Director Ivan Reitman was able to succeed with the main goal and that was to make me laugh and smile throughout due to well written jokes by Dan Aykroyd & Harold Ramis. Each joke just works in a way that a lot of later films are unable to do, which is what makes it stand out. When you first hear the opening theme song by Ray Parker Jr., you just know you’re gonna have nothing but a good time. At the same time though, Reitman is able to draw a fair amount of eery suspense, which works because the ghosts may not look dangerous, it doesn’t mean that they aren’t. So seeing the likes of Slimer and the Library Ghost, it only made it even more fun to experience. The main reason this one remains watchable because the titular team teach us the most important lessons within their time together: Stay optimistic, be open minded and live by your own rules. We wouldn’t get this without great performances from such a great ensemble. Aykroyd was great at presenting Ray Stentz as the heart of the group, due to being the most enthusiastic with his work. Seeing the dedication he puts himself through inspires me to work just as hard with whatever. And if it wasn’t for him, we wouldn’t see such a cool vehicle like the Ecto-1. Ramis was also great as Egon for portraying him as the socially awkward member, due to being constantly focused with his work. If it wasn’t for his intelligence, I don’t think we’d see such fascinating weapons like the Proton Pack. There is no way I would remember this movie as well as I have now without the highlight that was Bill Murray as Venkman. His dry sense of humor got me laughing throughout and I couldn’t appreciate it any more than I already have. He is normally apathetic in the majority of the film, but he always knew when to necessarily put aside that part of him to do whatever had to be done. Ernie Hudson made Winston stand out for being the most conventional. He may not understand paranormal research as well as the others around him, but that doesn’t stop him from being a helping hand. As each teammate make this movie a whole, the rest of the cast make their mark as well. Annie Potts was also able to make Janine a stand out character for being mostly sardonic when on duty. She may not be as enthusiastic as her bosses, but she rolls with the punches in a good way to get by. I already loved Sigourney Weaver for Alien, but I loved her even more here. She is on point presenting Dana as a coolly confident person, but then she goes bonkers as the possessor Zuul. Looking back, it is clear that she fell for Venkman because she saw the charm behind cynical attitude. Rick Moranis was also downright adorable as Louis. He is nothing but a good natured person, yet is so socially awkward that he tries way too hard to be cool. Seeing him talk endlessly just gets me, mostly because of how the actor ad libs excellently. Last but not least, you’re just gonna love to hate William Atherton as Walter Peck. His suspicion turned to jealousy, being unshakably serious throughout his time, which made him unbearably annoying. Since he made things worse, I don’t regret laughing to when a dump of marshmallow fluff lands on him. Timeless will forever define this movie, but after years of re watching, there are a few moments that I can't help but question. I know Venkman gets a funny introduction through the ESP test, but how come the male volunteer doesn't call him out for not flipping the card on the female volunteer. That would've brought hilarious suspense if she got it right out of luck and he still bursted out the door. And I know Egon can be gullible, but why the hell would he try to drill a hole in his head like Venkman mentioned? Any sane person should know that would've freaking killed him. I honestly don't wanna know why at this point because I would likely get a disturbing answer. I don't want to hate on Ray, but what kind of question makes sense when asking if a pole works? It's not a machine, it's a pole. I also gotta wonder why didn't Dana just call the Ghostbusters instead of going straight to their quarters? I get that this is supposed to spark the relationship between her and Venkman, but it still could've happened if she called. Janine would've said the customer is a woman and Venkman would've been there in a heartbeat. And why didn't Dana move out if she was so certain of what she saw? If she did, she would've had a win-win: Not get possessed and avoid Louis. Speaking of which, why didn't she duck for it when she passed by his door? If she really wanted to avoid him, that would've been the way to do it because I guarantee you he was looking through that peephole. I also wonder why didn't we see the Ghostbusters take down the librarian ghost after dealing with Slimer? It would've been pointless because they all escape by the end, but it still would've been cool seeing that loose end get tied up. I'm still wondering where did Venkman get the thorazine from? Was it on him or was it in Dana's apartment? If he had it on him, than that's gonna be even more confusing. Other than that, this movie is awesome. In conclusion, Ghostbusters will forever be a great comedy for being pure fun throughout. If you have an interest for ghosts or just looking for a great laugh, check this out.